Cultivating the Heart's Soil: Insights from the Parable of the Sower

Cultivating the Heart's Soil: Insights from the Parable of the Sower

Cultivating the Heart's Soil: Insights from the Parable of the SowerBrandon Spain
Published on: 08/02/2024

Welcome to my latest blog post, dear readers and listeners. Today, I want to share with you a profound journey through one of the most enlightening parables in the Bible – the parable of the sower from Mark chapter four. As your host and fellow traveler on the path of spiritual growth, I invite you to delve into the rich soil of wisdom that this parable offers.

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The Art of Discernment: Walking in Spiritual Partnership with God

The Art of Discernment: Walking in Spiritual Partnership with God

The Art of Discernment: Walking in Spiritual Partnership with GodBrandon Spain
Published on: 23/01/2024

A Personal Journey into Hearing God's Voice Greetings, dear readers. Lindsy and I recently had the honor of hosting April Snook on our podcast, where we explored a subject dear to her heart: hearing from God and the critical role of discernment within the Christian community. As the host of "How to Do Life with God," April has dedicated years to simplifying complex spiritual concepts into actionable steps, and she's eager to impart some of that wisdom to you.

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